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This reasons to not find out the gender of your baby post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
I sound like a broken record, but Baby #3 is going to be here ANY DAY! I’m getting a lot of questions, things like: Are you nervous to have 3? YES. Why do you ask? Is it because I’m sweating and looking back at you with panicked, deer-in-the-headlights fear in my eyes? Are you having a boy or girl? Oh, we don’t know, we never find out if we’re having a boy or girl… And then people stare at me like I have three heads…
We’ve never found out the sex of the baby before he or she were born and it is SO MUCH FUN. A few people are all, “good for you!” but most say things like “I could never do that!” – the reasons why it would be impossible for them are things like: I wouldn’t be able to prepare! or I just don’t have the patience! or the argument I can best relate to: I’m a control freak, I want to know everything! Me too, sister, me too.
Valid points. I’m usually all for taking advantage of modern medicine and it’s advances (hello, epidural!) but in this case, we skip the added bonus of knowing the sex of the baby from the 20 week anatomy scan. Before my first pregnancy, my husband and I decided we wouldn’t find out if we were having a boy or girl. It drove people bonkers. As we’ve had more babes, we’ve uncovered more advantages to NOT finding out the sex of the baby before he or she is born:
Reasons to not find out the gender of your baby: My Baby, My Style
The most practical reason to skip finding out if you’re having a boy or girl has to do with gifts… basically, when people don’t know if you’re having a boy or girl, they can’t go nuts shopping for baby clothes and then have to buy the essential, not-nearly-as-cute items on your registry, like breast pads and nipple cream. This works out wonderfully because I like to shop for baby clothes solo; I try to dress my babes like I would dress myself.
Baby #3 needs a whole new wardrobe since he or she will be a spring baby – my others are late summer/early fall. Carter’s has some really cute stuff for spring that I would totally rock myself – think chambray, eyelet, dip-dyed fabrics for girls, striped denim, indigo knits, and classic white for boys. Cute styles, good quality, and always a great deal (scroll to the bottom for an extra 20% off ;). Sale alert – the Carter’s February Baby Sale runs 2/21/17-3/6/17 and the coupon @ the bottom of this post is good now through 3/6/17 both in-store and online.
Here are a couple things I picked up for #3:

Reasons to not find out the gender of your baby
I’m a Neutral Party Anyway
I would never buy a pink car seat, or decorate a blue and green boy nursery anyway… my style at home and for myself is much more neutral. We keep a perma-nursery – and move the older kids out when a new baby is on the way – which is grey, light blue and yellow with touches of other brights to fit either a boy or girl. I’ll do a reveal soon :). So I’m prepped for baby without knowing if it’s a he or a she.
The best day Gets even better
Of course, your baby’s birthday is going to be the best day ever but it’s icing on the cake to get to find out what this little person is AND meet them all at the same time. I’ll never forget my husband’s reaction when we found out our first was a girl – after he just knew it would be a boy – by saying “oh $hit!” (eloquent, right?!) – and announcing the sex of our son as he was delivered. The best moment on the best day <3.
It’s a Better REveal
Both of our families live in the same city as us, so it is beyond fun to have them come to the hospital, walk into the room, and find out if babe was a boy or a girl while we have that one-on-one time with them to see their reactions. A gender reveal party is fun, but there are a bunch of people around so you don’t see each individual celebration. We have both of our “gender reveals” from our first and second on video from the hospital and I know the kids will love seeing them when they’re older. Yes, everyone would have been excited at a traditional gender reveal, but the excitement of finding out the day-of is over-the-top.
No Disappointment
Gender disappointment is a real thing for some people. But when they put your baby into your arms, it’s impossible to be disappointed. Admittedly, we have one of each (a girl and a boy) and haven’t had to deal with the annoying “don’t you wish you would have had a (insert whatever you don’t have yet here)” but no one can be bummed when there’s a healthy new baby on earth.