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My kids don’t have baby books. But I’m not a bad mom. I keep a private Tumblr blog for them full of almost every video, picture and milestone they reach, but it isn’t printed out neatly for them to thumb through one day and say, “oh, I said ‘da-da’ at 9 months”. They’re going to have to look at the dates of the posts and figure it out themselves. Mean mom: yes. Bad mom: no.
Writing them a letter for each birthday is another way I commemorate each year.
Obviously, my letters to my kids are here on my blog, but if you don’t have a blog, here’s how to write your kid a birthday letter each year:
- Get a book or binder or scrapbook or create a Shutterfly or whatever to keep each year’s letter. Store it somewhere safe that you won’t forget where it is.
- Choose your favorite pics from that year. I try to narrow it down to 25 but you do you, momma.
- Think about your kid at the start of the year and now. What are some of the milestones they met? Funniest moments? New “tricks” or favorite things? Trips taken? Going through pictures will remind you of the highlights as well.
- Set aside a couple hours (2 or 3, max), pour yourself a glass of wine and just do it. You’ll be thankful that you did and the memories really are fleeting.
Without further adieu, Cooper’s second birthday letter:
Hey Coopie Coops,
What a wild ride your second year has been! I knew having a boy would be different but you have more than kept us on our toes. We could tell you were going to be a wild one but you literally don’t stop moving unless you’re asleep. We’ve joked that at any given time your goal in life is to hurt yourself or damage our property and so far, we’ve done a decent job of preventing both.
You were done with your highchair before 18 months, joining daddy and your big sis on the bench at the table, always getting up and running around between bites. Jumpy – jumpy – jumpy (hopping around the room), forward rolls, galloping, clapping, “hiding”, singing in the car and counting to “10” are your greatest tricks.
The trash, the dog bowl, the toilet, the pantry and the garage are your favorite places to “explore”. I’ve caught you more than once on top of the kitchen table. Your hair is as wild as your personality – gorgeous blonde curls hang down like a little mop. Literally Goldielocks. Your eyes are still blue, teeth are still jack-o-lantern but you’re just cute as can be. You think your sister hung the moon and need a hug and kiss from her before you nap or go to sleep for the night, which is pretty much the sweetest thing in the world. Daddy is your idol and if he’s around, you’re glued to him. He loves it ;).
You still have the cutest dimple on your right cheek when you smile so big (I hope it never goes away!), you still can’t breathe when I tickle your chest or ribs, and you’ve upped your snuggle game by asking for “squeeze” where I hug you super tight over and over. You haven’t given up sucking on your left index finger when you’re sleepy and snuggling right into my shoulder. Your sleepsack is (literally) your security blanket and it’s a struggle to get you to take it off when you wake up.
Porkchop is your new buddy and you’re mostly “niiiice” with him, except for when you pick him up by his wrinkles. A couple weeks ago you put him in the (filled) baby pool – luckily your big sister is quick to tell me what went down…
You think it’s hilarious to take off your diaper and pee on the floor, you are obsessed with driving anything, and are always down to put on a princess crown or one of your sister’s necklaces. You’re in love with babies but mostly just your cousin, Hannah, who was born in January. Stay sweet to babies.
Here’s hoping your third year is filled with lots of laughs, lots of monster hugs, and a few less tantrums and “holyshit” moments.
Love you bud,
Do you do anything special every year for your little one’s birthday? Tell me in the comments!
Saritha says
Hey my elder kid is turning 8 this September 6th. This time I want to wish him with a good hand written letter. Please guide me with your thoughts.. I liked the concept of writing a letter each year probably that’s the best recape of their whole year adventure.